The 18" sweetness bike is the perfect fit for the hip young lady learning to ride her first two-wheeler. The oversized steel frame is painted blue and purple with colorful cupcake graphics and one blue and one purple tire. Color-matched training wheels will help her gain confidence until she is riding on her own. It also has adjustable high-rise BMX-style handlebars and the secure four-bolt stem moves as she grows. The seat height is adjusted easily with no tools required via the lever-activated quick-release. This bike has a rear foot brake plus dual front and rear side-pull handbrakes to keep speed under control for the new rider. Low-profile tread street tires and padded seats smooth out the ride. Front axle pegs and a matching handlebar-mounted carry bag round out the package that will make her the envy of the neighborhood.
Kent International Inc
51.75 x 22.50 x 34.50 Inches